
We continously offer opportunities for Bachelor's and Master's theses (or comparable theses). Suggested topics from our main research areas can be found below. If there are currently no topics advertised, please feel free to contact us (exciting questions are usually available).

Current topics

...coming soon...


The content of different theses differ depending on the research questions. The formal procedures can be summarized in the following steps. Please always check the current version of the study program and examination regulations.

  1. Contact the potential supervisor (please plan ahead and allow sufficient time until the actual start).
  2. Determine the topic and methodology (e.g. experimental lab study, smartphone survey, evaluation of clinical data).
  3. Prepare an exposé: The exposé should briefly (!) introduce the main research question and focusses on the general research question, the hypotheses derived from it as well as the operationalization of the research question and statistical analyses (to be discussed with the supervisor). The supervisor gives feedback on the exposé. In the end, there is a common agreement regarding the research question and methods.
  4. Register the thesis at the examination office.
  5. Data collection and analyses.
  6. Writing of thesis sections (usually introduction, methods, results, discussion) with feedback from the supervisor.
  7. Finalization and submission. Submit the complete data set + analyses syntax + output file as well as any self-developed materials (if not described in detail in the thesis).
  8. Evaluation according to the general evaluation scheme of the institute and grading. If you need a provisional confirmation ("at least passed") for a time-critical application (e.g. Master's study, therapy training, doctoral position), please discuss this with your supervisor before submission.