Biography and CV

Brief biography

My research so far focused on assessing the interaction between expectancy and attention biases to threat using behavioral and neural measures. My planned research will focus on the causal interplay between expectancy and interpretation biases and their combined effect on anxiety symptoms and intolerance of uncertainty, using behavioral and neural measures. I am interested in understanding the underlying neurocognitive mechanisms of anxiety, and in using this knowledge to fine-tune cognitive bias modification procedures.

Academic Qualifications

2019 - 2024 PhD in Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Haifa
2017 - 2019 MA in Cognitive Neuroscience (summa cum laude), Department of Psychology, University of Haifa
2014 - 2017 BA in Psychology and in English Language and Literature, University of Haifa

Selected work and teaching experience:

since 2024 Postdoctoral Researcher ('Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter'), Department of Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology, Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute of Psychology, University of Göttingen
2024 Intern junior editor at the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance
2018 - 2019 Teaching assistant for BA level, University of Haifa
2015 - 2022 Research assistant in various departments at the University of Haifa


2021 - 2024 Academic excellence scholarship for outstanding PhD students from minority groups, granted by the Council for Higher Education and Planning and Budgeting Committee (IL)
2021 Research grant, granted by the Social Sciences Faculty, University of Haifa.
2020 Award for early completion of thesis (i.e., two years), granted by the Graduate Studies Authority, University of Haifa.
2019 - 2021 Academic excellence scholarship for outstanding PhD students, granted by the Graduate Studies Authority, University of Haifa. Full tuition and living expenses scholarship
2017 - 2019 Academic excellence scholarship for outstanding MA students from minority groups, granted by the Council for Higher Education and Planning and Budgeting Committee (IL)
2015 - 2017 Academic excellence scholarship for outstanding BA students, Academia-Practica, University of Haifa