Curriculum Vitae
Academic career
Since 2015 Professor (since 2020 W3) for Psychology of Language , Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
2010 - 2015 Junior Professor für Language Acquisition Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
2008 - 2010 British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship, University College London
2006- 2008 Postdoctoral researcher und Career Development Fellow, Oxford Universität
2005 - 2006 Postdoctoral researcher , Syddansk Universitet
Third-party funding
2022-2025: Co-PI, DFG CRC 1528 "Cognition of Interaction".
2021-2025: Co-PI, DFG Research Training Group 2636 "Form-meaning mismatches".
2019-2023: Co-PI, EU H2020 Innovative Training Network "Early language development in the digital age (e-LADDA).
2018-2022: Co-PI, DFG CRC 1102 "Information Density and Linguistic Encoding".
2015-2018: Co-PI, DFG Research group 2253 "Crossing the borders: The interplay of language, cognition and the brain in early human development".
2015-2020: Co-PI, DFG Research Training Group 2070 "Understanding social relationships"
2014-2017: Co-PI, DFG SPP 1727 " New pragmatic theories based on experimental evidence" (with Markus Steinbach and Edgar Onea).
2015-2015: PI, DFG grant "The specificity of the orthography-phonology interface".
2008-2011: PI, British Academy Research Fellowship "Investigating phonological priming in infancy".
Academic Distinctions
2017: Member, Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Lower Saxony
2014: Science prize of the Fritz-Behrens-Stiftung