Geänderte Inhalte Alle kürzlich geänderten Inhalte in zeitlich absteigender Reihenfolge Kulke_et_al_2017_implicit_tom_across_the_life_span-anticipatory_looking_data.pdf Kulke_et_al_2018_anticipatory_looking_across_lifespan.pdf Kulke_Rakoczy_2018_implicit_tom_an_overview.pdf Implicit Theory of Mind – An overview of current replications and non-replications Are there signature limits in early theory of mind? Are great apes able to reason from multi-item samples to populations of food items Comparative metaphysics: Thinking about objects in space and time. Performance-based social comparisons in humans and long-tailed macaques Keupp et al. (2021)_AB&C.pdf Carolin heute nicht vor Ort Probleme beim Drucken auf Kopierern in den Vorbereitungsräumen Foto_Tobias-Kordsmeyer.jpg Störung Videosystem Abwesenheit Carolin Fernandez Castelao Aktuelles ME_Bili.png How do children overcome their pragmatic performance problems in the true belief task? The role of advanced pragmatics and higher-order theory of mind The true belief (TB) control condition of the classical location-change task asks children to ascribe a veridical belief to an agent to predict her action (analog to the false belief (FB) condition to test Theory of Mind (ToM) abilities). Studies that administered TB tasks to a broad age range of children yielded surprising findings of a U-shaped performance curve in this seemingly trivial task. Children before age four perform competently in the TB condition. Children who begin to solve the FB condition at age four, however, fail the TB condition and only from around age 10, children succeed again. New evidence suggests that the decline in performance around age four reflects pragmatic confusions caused by the triviality of the task rather than real competence deficits in ToM. Based on these results, it can be hypothesized that the recovery of performance at the end of the U-shaped curve reflects underlying developments in children’s growing pragmatic awareness. The aim of the current set of studies, therefore, was to test whether the developmental change at the end of the Ushaped performance curve can be explained by changes in children’s pragmatic understanding and by more general underlying developmental changes in recursive ToM or recursive thinking in general. Results from Study 1 (N = 81, 6–10 years) suggest that children’s recursive ToM, but not their advanced pragmatic understanding or general recursive thinking abilities predict their TB performance. However, this relationship could not be replicated in Study 2 (N = 87, 6–10 years) and Study 3 (N = 64, 6–10 years) in which neither recursive ToM nor advanced pragmatic understanding or recursive thinking explained children’s performance in the TB task. The studies therefore remain inconclusive regarding explanations for the end of the U-shaped performance curve. Future research needs to investigate potential pragmatic and general cognitive foundations of this developmental change more thoroughly. Science-Practitioner-Stelle an unserer Hochschulambulanz NIK_2843.jpeg NIK_2843.jpeg 20 frühere Inhalte 1 ... 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 ... 399 Die nächsten 20 Inhalte