Geänderte Inhalte Alle kürzlich geänderten Inhalte in zeitlich absteigender Reihenfolge Publikationen Explicit theory of mind is even more unified than previously assumed: belief ascription and understanding aspectuality emerge together in development. The Role of Trait Reasoning in Young Children’s Selective Trust Over-imitation is not automatic: Context-sensitivity in children's over-imitation and action interpretation of causally irrelevant actions. The development of reasoning about the temporal and causal relations between past, present and future events. Young children understand the normative force of standards of equal resource distribution. Young Children Understand the Role of Agreement in Establishing Arbitrary Norms—But Unanimity Is Key. Cognitive Architecture of Belief Reasoning in Children and Adults: A Primer on the Two-Systems Account. Rational over-imitation: Preschoolers consider material costs and copy causally irrelevant actions selectively. Young children think you can opt out of social-conventional but not moral practices. Selective Cooperation in Early Childhood – How to Choose Models and Partners. Children protest moral and conventional violations more when they believe actions are freely chosen. Are apes essentialists? Scope and limits of psychological essentialism in great apes. The development of individual and shared intentionality. Theory of mind In defense of a developmental dogma: children acquire propositional attitude folk psychology around age 4. Children’s difficulty with true belief tasks: Competence deficit or performance problem? Kulke_2017_stimulus_size_eccentricity_on_shift_latencies.pdf The effect of stimulus size and eccentricity on attention shift latencies Implicit Theory of Mind across the life span – Anticipatory looking data 20 frühere Inhalte 1 ... 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 ... 399 Die nächsten 20 Inhalte