Geänderte Inhalte Alle kürzlich geänderten Inhalte in zeitlich absteigender Reihenfolge Zivilcourage in der Medizin. Vortrag in der öffentlichen Fortbildungsreihe des Instituts für Anästhesiologie des Universitätsspitals Zürich, Zurich, Swiss Resilienz und Lebensqualität in queeren Communities. Vortrag auf der 7. Konferenz für Studentische Forschung (StuFo 2022), Berlin, Germany Similarity in situation perception predicts relationship satisfaction For one partner, the kitchen looks clean; for the other, the kitchen needs cleaning. Is the satisfaction with our relationship tied to whether we see the world the same way our partner does? In two dyadic longitudinal studies, we investigated how similarity in the perception of situations predicts relationship satisfaction in romantic relationships. In Study 1, 203 couples participated in a 14-day diary. In Study 2, 139 couples participated in a 7-day experience sampling. At each time point, partners separately reported their perception of a situation they had experienced together, using the DIAMONDS taxonomy (Study 1) and the Situational Interdependence Scale (Study 2). Across taxonomies, more similar situation perception positively predicted state relationship satisfaction and changes in trait relationship satisfaction at follow-up. Findings have important implications for understanding couples’ everyday lives and speak to the consequences of situation perception in close relationships. No increased inbreeding avoidance during the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle Mate preferences and mating-related behaviours are hypothesised to change over the menstrual cycle to increase reproductive fitness. Recent large-scale studies suggest that previously reported hormone-linked behavioural changes are not robust. The proposal that women's preference for associating with male kin is down-regulated during the ovulatory (high-fertility) phase of the menstrual cycle to reduce inbreeding has not been tested in large samples. Consequently, we investigated the relationship between longitudinal changes in women's steroid hormone levels and their perceptions of faces experimentally manipulated to possess kinship cues (Study 1). Women viewed faces displaying kinship cues as more attractive and trustworthy, but this effect was not related to hormonal proxies of conception risk. Study 2 employed a daily diary approach and found no evidence that women spent less time with kin generally or with male kin specifically during the fertile phase of the menstrual cycle. Thus, neither study found evidence that inbreeding avoidance is up-regulated during the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. Does emotion recognition change across phases of the ovulatory cycle? Recognizing emotions is an essential ability for successful interpersonal interaction. Prior research indicates some links between the endocrine system and emotion recognition ability, but only a few studies focused on within-subject differences across distinct ovulatory cycle phases and this ability. These studies have demonstrated mixed results that might be potentially due to heterogeneity in experimental tasks, methodologies, and lacking ecological validity. In the current study, we investigated associations between within-subject differences in ovarian hormones levels and emotion recognition from auditory, visual, and audiovisual modalities in N = 131 naturally cycling participants across the late follicular and mid-luteal phase of the ovulatory cycle. We applied a within-subject design with sessions in the late follicular and mid-luteal cycle phase, and also assessed salivary progesterone and estradiol in these sessions. Our findings did not reveal any significant difference in emotion recognition ability across two cycle phases. Thus, they emphasize the necessity of employing large-scale replication studies with well-established study designs along with proper statistical analyses. Moreover, our findings indicate that the potential link between ovulatory cycle phases (late follicular and mid-luteal) and emotion recognition ability might have been overestimated in previous studies, and may contribute to theoretical and practical implications of socio-cognitive neuroendocrinology. Abwesenheit Nyenhuis 16.01. Impact of the Headset Tool SOTOS on Communication in Heart Surgeries Lesetipp zum Thema Patientenbeschwerden Effects of a Technical Solution on Stress of Surgical Staff in Operating Theatres The accuracy and meta-accuracy of personality impressions from faces People spontaneously judge others’ personality based on their facial appearance and these impressions guide many important decisions. Although the consequences of personality impressions are well documented, studies on the accuracy of personality impressions have yielded mixed results. Moreover, little is known about people’s meta-accuracy (i.e., whether they are aware of their judgment accuracy). Even if accuracy is generally low, meta-accuracy would allow people to rely on their impressions in the right situations. In two studies (one preregistered), we examined the accuracy and meta-accuracy of personality impressions. We addressed three crucial limitations of previous studies (a) by incentivizing accuracy and meta-accuracy, (b) by relying on substantially larger samples of raters and targets (646 participants rating 1,660 faces), and (c) by conducting Bayesian analyses to also quantify evidence for the null hypothesis. Our findings consistently suggest that people show neither accuracy nor meta-accuracy when forming face-based personality impressions. Behavior Genetics TBZ-Server wieder erreichbar (12.01., 09:35 Uhr) Österreich im Wertekreis; Ergebnisse der Welle 8 des European Social Survey. (Vortrag im Symposium „Neues aus der Werteforschung“).13. Tagung der ÖGP, Linz, Austria. Durchblick im Begriffsdschungel: Was bedeutet Kollaboration in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt? 11. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Braunschweig, Germany Vortrag: Hinreichende Varianzaufklärung durch kleine Organisations-einheiten für die Messung Psychischer Arbeitsbelastung mit dem PsyBePLUS. 13. Tagung der ÖGP, Linz, Austria. Kontexteffekte auf die Konsumentenakzeptanz: Eberbratwurst im Realitätstest. Zweiseiten-Abstract S. 502f in D. Mühlrath, J. Albrecht, M. R. Finckh, U. Hamm, J. Heß, U. Knierim, D. Möller (Hrsg.). Beiträge zur 15. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Kassel, Germany Umweltschutz in Zeiten hohen Selbstbezugs? Eine Studie zur Zahlungsbereitschaft trotz zeitlicher und räumlicher Distanz. Shortpaper & Poster auf der 29. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Innsbruck, Austria. Das Umweltbewusstsein von LandwirtInnen Eine Analyse unter Einbeziehung des New Ecological Paradigm. Shortpaper & Poster auf der 29. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Innsbruck, Austria Working in distributed teams – Need of a new concept of remote leadership? Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics. EAWOP Small Group Meeting: Teamworking Virtually: Business as usual? Lisbon, Portugal. Opening the Black Box–the cognitive and organisational foundations of knowledge interactions in interdisciplinary scientific collaboration. Invited talk. The Technology University of Berlin, Germany 20 frühere Inhalte 1 ... 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 ... 393 Die nächsten 20 Inhalte