Geänderte Inhalte

Alle kürzlich geänderten Inhalte in zeitlich absteigender Reihenfolge
  • Ausbildung für Psychologische Psychotherapie und Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage. = Training in psychological psychotherapy and child and adolescent psychotherapy: Results of a survey.

    In fall 1999, a regulation for the training of psychological psychotherapy and child and adolescent psychotherapy (APrV) was enacted by the Ministry of Health in Germany, based on the new law for psychotherapy. To assess the degree of redundancy in the university training and the post-graduate training in clinical psychology and psychotherapy the Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy of the German Psychological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie) conducted a survey. The survey reveals a large overlap of subjects taught as part of the university training in clinical psychology and psychotherapy and the subjects required as part of the post-graduate training in psychotherapy. Usually, more than 200 hours of basic theoretical training are taught in graduate classes at the universities, covering almost all subjects that are requested as part of the post-graduate psychotherapy training. Almost all of the responding institutes suggest a renewal of parts of the law and the APrV so that equivalent subject-matters of the diploma training at universities should be accepted as part of the training programs for psychological psychotherapy and child- and adolescent psychotherapy. A change of curricula for the diploma training is not supported. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

  • Attentional bias in excessive Internet gamers: Experimental investigations using an addiction Stroop and a visual probe
  • Are migraineurs hypersensitive?: A test of the stimulus processing disorder hypothesis.

    The concept of hypersensitivity in migraineurs was advanced mainly on the basis of studies on information processing in which increased amplitudes and reduced habituation in cortical evoked and event related potentials were found in migraine sufferers. The present investigation examined whether migraineurs exhibit hypersensitivity within three different experimental paradigms and various non electrocortical response parameters. Samples of 24 migraine, 19 tension-type headache sufferers, and 24 normal controls were compared regarding their subjective estimation of intensity and discomfort due to visual and acoustical stimuli. Subjects also participated in an experiment using the eyeblink startle response paradigm. In a last experimental task the Stroop test was applied. The trait variables emotionality, arousal, and extraversion were also measured. None of the experimental tasks revealed the predicted hypersensitivity of migraineurs in relation to the control samples. The series of experiments was conducted a second time with half of the participants in order to replicate the findings. The conclusions remained the same. The results of earlier studies on cortical processing can not be interpreted as demonstrating general hypersensitivity in the sense of a dispositional trait in migraine afflicted individuals irrespective of the involved response system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

  • An internet-based cognitive-behavioural training for acute tinnitus: Secondary analysis of acceptance in terms of satisfaction, trial attrition and non-usage attrition.

    Objectives: Recent studies on tinnitus have focused on the efficacy of Internet-based interventions. Other core features of the quality of service, e.g. acceptance and attrition, have often been overlooked. This study analyses Internet-based training regarding acceptance and attrition in a trial on minimal-contact interventions for acute tinnitus. Whenever possible, we give information on other forms of training for comparison. Methods: In a randomised controlled trial with 337 participants, 87 persons took part in the Internet training. Results: The participants were as satisfied with the Internet-based training as with a face-to-face group training. There was a 34.48\% dropout from the Internet-based training (dropout attrition). The training attrition from the Internet-based training was even higher at 64.4\%. Conclusions: Two out of three indicators for acceptance—satisfaction and dropout attrition—provide comparable results between the Internet-based training and a face-to-face group training. The third indicator, training attrition, shows a better result for the group training. Future research should focus on attrition in order to enhance the overall effectiveness of training. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

  • Alexithymia as a Moderator of Treatment Outcomes in a Randomized Controlled Trial on Brief Psychodynamic Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Patients with Multisomatoform Disorder
  • Agreement of parents and children on characteristics of pediatric headache, other pains, somatic symptoms, and depressive symptoms in an epidemiologic study.

    Background: The objective of the present study was to assess the concordance between parent and child report regarding different domains of pediatric health, headache in particular. In addition, the influence of potential moderator variables on the agreement between parents and children was examined. Methodology: In an epidemiologic study on a randomly drawn sample of households with at least 1 child in the family between 7 and 14 years of age (community registries), various pediatric health disturbances (headache, other pains, somatic symptoms, and depression/anxiety) were assessed via both child (from the age of 9 y on) and parent report (n = 3461). Results: A relatively high parent-child agreement (σM = 0.61) was found regarding the variable headache frequency, whereas consensus regarding other pains was, for the most part, markedly lower. The lowest agreement (σM = 0.27) was found for depression/anxiety symptoms. A moderator analysis (with age, sex, and parental headache) between child and parent failed to reveal significant differences regarding the degree of agreement between the 2 data sources. Children reported more frequent and more severe symptoms in all health domains. Conclusion: The examined potential moderator variables did not elucidate processes underlying the differences in child and parent agreement. There is no convincing evidence that the childrenʼs appraisal is less valid than their parentsʼ. In summary, parentsʼ reports cannot be viewed as a substitute for childrenʼs reports in pediatric pain and health assessment. Instead, each perspective represents a unique subjective reality and as such, both are of importance for research on pediatric pain and other health variables. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

  • Advances in the treatment of anorexia nervosa: a review of established and emerging interventions

    Background Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a disabling, deadly and costly mental disorder. Until recently, treatment recommendations were based on expert opinion and limited evidence. The aim of this systematic review is to synthesise recent evidence on established and emerging AN treatments and to forecast trends for future developments. Methods We systematically review trials of established treatments and associated process outcome studies from the last 5 years, published since a previous review in this journal. ‘Established’ treatments were those that are widely used in AN, recommended by guidelines and/or have been tested in at least one large randomised controlled trial. Secondly, we summarise emerging treatments for AN, i.e. those that have only been (or are currently being) tested in proof-of concept, feasibility or pilot trials. Results We identified 19 published trials of established treatments (15 of high or moderate quality), mostly assessing psychological therapies (n = 17). We also found 11 published trials of emerging treatments, and a total of 34 registered, as yet unpublished trials. Promising emerging treatments include cognitive remediation therapy, exposure therapy and non-invasive neuromodulation. Conclusions Evidence generation on the treatment of AN has dramatically accelerated, with our understanding of the role of family-based approaches for adolescents more nuanced and a range of psychological approaches available for the treatment of adults. Evidence on emerging treatments and from forthcoming trials suggests that there is a shift towards more targeted brain-based interventions. Future studies need to focus on elucidating mechanisms of action of treatments and what works best for whom.

  • Acculturative stress among international students in context of socio-demographic variables and coping styles.

    The current study investigated how different socio-demographic variables and coping styles are associated with the level of acculturative stress among international students in Germany. Participants consisted of 652 international students (53 \% female, 47 \% male; mean age = 25.77 year

  • A systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of self-help interventions in tinnitus.

    This study is a review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) self-help interventions for tinnitus. Randomized controlled trials were identified by searching in databases (e.g. ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed, Cochrane Library, and PSYNDEX) and by manual search. Ten studies with 1188 participants in total were included in the meta-analysis. Participants were 49.2 years old and had tinnitus for 5.2 years. Self-help interventions significantly reduced tinnitus distress (d = 0.48) and depressiveness (d = 0.25) when compared with a passive control (e.g. information only and discussion forums) at post-assessment. There was no difference to the face-to-face controls (group treatment). The presence of therapists and the methodological quality of the studies did not influence the results. Sensitivity analysis revealed that there might be a publication bias regarding the comparison to the face-to-face control. However, the results suggest that CBT self-help interventions are an effective treatment for tinnitus distress. Since few studies were identified, this conclusion must be supported by future meta-analyses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

  • A Randomized Controlled Trial on Functional Relaxation as an Adjunct to Psychoeducation for Stress

    This randomized controlled trial investigated whether adding the psychodynamically based body-oriented psychotherapy “Functional Relaxation” (FR) to psychoeducation (PE) is more effective than PE alone to reduce stress and stress-associated complaints. Eighty-one participants with elevated stress-levels, ≥50 points on the global scale of the Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ), received either 10 sessions of manualized FR+PE (n=42) or 2 sessions of manualized PE alone (n=39) in a group setting. Six FR trainers took part in this study. Stress-level was the primary outcome and secondary outcomes were depression and somatization. Multilevel models for discontinuous change revealed that FR+PE was more helpful to reduce stress-levels than PE from baseline to end of intervention (t0t1) as well as from baseline to 6-months after baseline (t0t2) (both p<.05) with effect sizes (d) being medium for PE (dt0t1=.57; dt0t2=.67) and large for FR+PE (dt0t1=1.59; dt0t2=1.42). Moreover, FR+PE affected depression and somatization more positively than did PE from t0 to t1 as well as from t0 to t2 (all p<.05). Effect sizes for depression were small to medium for PE (dt0t1=.52; dt0t2=.37) and large for FR+PE (dt0t1=1.04; dt0t2=.95). Effect sizes for somatization were small for PE (dt0t1=.18; dt0t2=.19) and medium to large for FR+PE (dt0t1=.73; dt0t2=.93). In summary, the combination of FR and PE was more effective than PE alone. The results of the present trial provide first evidence that FR might be a potent component of stress interventions. Adding FR to such interventions might better help prevent clinically relevant disorders such as depression or somatization.

  • A randomized controlled trial of Internet-based self-help training for recurrent headache in childhood and adolescence.

    Two different self-help training programs (multimodal cognitive-behavioral training (CBT) and applied relaxation (AR)) presented via the Internet were compared with an educational intervention (EDU) in an RCT. Sixty-five children and adolescents (mean age: 12.7 years) with recurrent headache (at least 2 attacks per month) were each assigned to one of the three treatment conditions. The main outcome variables related to changes in headache frequency, intensity and duration as well as the responder rate (50\% reduction of headache frequency) and NNTs. Secondary outcome variables were pain catastrophizing and general well-being (depression, psychopathological symptoms and health-related quality of life). All groups showed significant reduction in headache frequency, duration and pain catastrophizing, but not in headache intensity, depression, psychopathological symptoms or health-related quality of life at post-assessment. NNTs were 2.0 for the comparison CBT and EDU; 5.2 for the comparison of AR and EDU at post-treatment. The highest responder rates at post were from CBT (63\%), significantly different compared to AR (32\%) and EDU (19\%), whereas at follow-up no significant differences were found (CBT: 63\%, AR: 56\%, EDU: 55\%) reflecting in the NNTs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

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