Geänderte Inhalte Alle kürzlich geänderten Inhalte in zeitlich absteigender Reihenfolge The development of implicit Theory of Mind The development of implicit Theory of Mind Infants' biased individuation of in-group members Infants' biased individuation of in-group members Chimpanzees prepare for alternative possible outcomes Chimpanzees prepare for alternative possible outcomes Engelmann_et_al_chimp_logic_CD_2023.pdf Do chimpanzees reason logically? Sophie Lusser, M. Sc. Psych. The degree of safety behaviors to a safety stimulus predicts development of threat beliefs Safety behaviors are behavioral responses that aim to prevent or minimize an imminent threat when confronting a feared stimulus. Despite its adaptive purpose, preliminary evidence suggests that unnecessary safety behaviors to a safety stimulus induce threat beliefs to it. By allowing participants to engage in safety behaviors dimensionally, this study tested whether the degree of safety behaviors to a safety stimulus predicts the subsequent level of threat expectancies to it. To this end, participants first acquired safety behaviors to a threat-related stimulus (A). Safety behaviors then became available only for one safety stimulus (C), but not to another safety stimulus (B). After engaging in safety behaviors to C, participants exhibited greater threat expectancies to C compared to B, albeit with a small effect size. Importantly, the degree of safety behaviors predicted an increase in threat expectancies. The current findings suggest that safety behaviors to safety stimuli are linked to the development of threat beliefs. Lehrangebot und Seminaranmeldung Lehrangebot der Abteilung für Wirtschafts- und Sozialpsychologie Lehre Abteilungen und Arbeitsgruppen Klinische Psychologie und Experimentelle Psychopathologie Anliegen der PiA- und Kohortensprecher*innen Aktuelles aus der Abteilung Publikationen Publications Folder Article One Test PDFs 20 frühere Inhalte 1 ... 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 ... 399 Die nächsten 20 Inhalte