Geänderte Inhalte Alle kürzlich geänderten Inhalte in zeitlich absteigender Reihenfolge Biologische Persönlichkeitspsychologie Aktuelles Jana Rechenburg Bild Rechenburg, Jana Curriculum Vitae Jana Rechenburg Newsletter 2023_final.docx.pdf photo_weicheng.jpg Variable search for orientation, uniformly optimal search for identity. Einbezug von PraktikantInnen Forschung Einzelpsychotherapie hauptseite_header-old.jpg Fachaufsicht diese Woche Liebe TherapeutInnen, Frau Klich ist diese Woche noch nicht wieder zurück, deshalb stehen Frau Pittig und ich als Fachaufsicht zur Verfügung. Viele Grüße, Carolin Fernandez Castelao Longitudinal effects of employees' Big five personality traits on internal promotions differentiated by job level in a multinational company Promotions are central to individual career success. For organisations, it is crucial to identify and develop employees capable of higher-level responsibility. Previous research has shown that personality traits as inter-individual differences predict promotions. However, effects have mostly been examined on a broad factor level. This study investigated longitudinal effects of Big Five personality traits on both factor (neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, conscientiousness) and more detailed facet levels on promotions in employees of a multinational wholesale company (N = 1774, n = 343 promoted). We also explored how personality differentially impacts promotional likelihood as a matter of target job level (individual contributor vs. first- or senior-level manager roles). Overall, associations with promotions were detected for neuroticism (negative) and conscientiousness (positive). At the more nuanced facet level, all Big Five factors had at least one personality facet that was significantly related to promotions. Additionally, personality-promotion relationships were generally stronger for lower- rather than higher-level promotions. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that employee personality traits have a meaningful impact on who will be promoted and should hence be considered in organisational personnel selection, personnel development, and performance management practices. Young Children and Adults Use Reasoning by Exclusion Rather Than Attraction to Novelty to Disambiguate Novel Word Meanings Wesser, Karin Erreichbarkeit TBZ-Büro vom 15.01. bis 20.01. Forschung Extracting the role of low-level visual features during associative learning 20 frühere Inhalte 1 ... 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 ... 399 Die nächsten 20 Inhalte