Geänderte Inhalte Alle kürzlich geänderten Inhalte in zeitlich absteigender Reihenfolge Dere.jpg Klich, Alexandra AKlich.bmp AKlich.bmp Alexandra AKlich.bmp Dipl.-Psych. Alexandra Klich Curriculum Vitae Dipl.-Psych. Alexandra Klich Verlängerter Wartungskorridor für TBZ-Server und TBZ-Videosystem am kommenden Donnerstagmorgen Hendrika Wiedemann bluesky.png TBZ-Büro heute stark eingeschränkt besetzt Ambulanztreffen Studienteilnehmer*innen für HiTOP gesucht Words and arbitrary actions in early object categorization: weak evidence for a word advantage Both words and gestures have been shown to influence object categorization, often even overriding perceptual similarities to cue category membership. However, gestures are often meaningful to infants while words are arbitrarily related to an object they refer to, more similar to arbitrary actions that can be performed on objects. In this study, we examine how words and arbitrary actions shape category formation. Across 3 conditions (word cue, action cue, word-action cue), we presented infants (N = 90) with 8 videos of single-category objects which vary in color and other perceptual features. The objects were either accompanied by a word and/or an action that is being performed on the object. Infants in the word and action condition showed a decrease in looking over the course of the familiarization phase indicating habituation to the category, but infants in the word-action-condition did not. At test, infants saw a novel object of the just-learned category and a novel object from another category side-by-side on the screen. There was some evidence for an advantage for words in shaping early object categorization, although we note that this was not robust across analyses. Individualisierte Exposition bei Angststörungen: Mehr Flexibilität statt „Habituation für alle“ Nutzung des Videosystems mit Patienten-Account ab sofort nicht mehr möglich Bearbeitungshinweise Fallberichte PschoEQ-Update/Probleme behoben Hartmann, Pauline 20 frühere Inhalte 1 ... 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ... 399 Die nächsten 20 Inhalte