System Access and Survey Permissions

Find out how to access GEMI's Limesurvey instance...

If you work or study at the GEMI you should already be enabled to use GEMI's Limesurvey instance. To access Limesurvey go to and login with your student or GWDG credentials. Please keep in mind that no prefixes or suffixes like "gwdg\" or "" are allowed here.

Syntax examples for student user account name:


Syntax examples for GWDG user account name:


If you plan to implement the survey together with other people from the GEMI, please note that all parties involved need to have logged in to the system once before they can be enabled to access the survey via Limesurvey's permissions feature.

If you face issues with logging in to GEMI's Limesurvey instance please contact the AG IT.