Micha Strack, Bastian Funken, Darko Gajic, Norbert Hopf, Carolin Meier, Ottmar Franzen and Margarete Boos

Die psychologische Marke im Cognitive Mapping


Brands are not only the producers' messages, but are also subjected to discussions amongst potential customers and hence become social constructs. Cognitive mapping offers a way to visualize how this psychological brand is mentally represented within the semantic networks of the market participants. This article adopts a social psychology perspective, investigating brands as shared semantic structures. If the fundamental psychological functions of brands are based on an image's characteristics of social consensus and distinctiveness, the ideal type of a funnel shaped market should result. Social consensus and brand distinctiveness, interpreted as parameters of brand strength, can be measured utilizing cognitive mapping techniques. We introduce proposed measurements and demonstrate their use and interpretation by drawing upon empirical studies and their results, respectively.