Eine Methode zur Analyse von Interaktionsprozessen beim Problemlösen und Entscheiden in Sitzungen
Eine Methode zur Analyse von Interaktionsprozessen beim Problemlösen und Entscheiden in SitzungenPresents a method for analyzing interaction processes in group problem-solving and decision making and demonstrates it on three groups (inservice training sessions for public service managers). Group members worked on an unstructured simulation of a complex planning and decision-making task. Three functions of the task-oriented group process were studied: problem structuring, search for solutions, and decision making. The conceptual focuses of the analysis (complexity, decisiveness, effectivity of argumentation, style of discussion) were used to illustrate the potential applications of the procedure to groups and organizations.https://www.psych.uni-goettingen.de/de/communication/publications/publications-folder/boosetal1991https://www.psych.uni-goettingen.de/@@site-logo/university-of-goettingen-logo.svg
Margarete Boos, Ulrich Scharpf and Rudolf Fisch
Eine Methode zur Analyse von Interaktionsprozessen beim Problemlösen und Entscheiden in Sitzungen
Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
Presents a method for analyzing interaction processes in group problem-solving and decision making and demonstrates it on three groups (inservice training sessions for public service managers). Group members worked on an unstructured simulation of a complex planning and decision-making task. Three functions of the task-oriented group process were studied: problem structuring, search for solutions, and decision making. The conceptual focuses of the analysis (complexity, decisiveness, effectivity of argumentation, style of discussion) were used to illustrate the potential applications of the procedure to groups and organizations.