Godehard Weniger, Jakob Siemerkus, Antonia Barke, Claudia Lange, Mirjana Ruhleder, Ulrich Sachsse, Carsten Schmidt-Samoa, Peter Dechent and Eva Irle

Egocentric virtual maze learning in adult survivors of childhood abuse with dissociative disorders: Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging.

Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging

Present neuroimaging findings suggest two subtypes of trauma response, one characterized predominantly by hyperarousal and intrusions, and the other primarily by dissociative symptoms. The neural underpinnings of these two subtypes need to be better defined. Fourteen women with childhood abuse and the current diagnosis of dissociative amnesia or dissociative identity disorder but without posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and 14 matched healthy comparison subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while finding their way in a virtual maze. The virtual maze presented a first-person view (egocentric), lacked any topographical landmarks and could be learned only by using egocentric navigation strategies. Participants with dissociative disorders (DD) were not impaired in learning the virtual maze when compared with controls, and showed a similar, although weaker, pattern of activity changes during egocentric learning when compared with controls. Stronger dissociative disorder severity of participants with DD was related to better virtual maze performance, and to stronger activity increase within the cingulate gyrus and the precuneus. Our results add to the present knowledge of preserved attentional and visuospatial mnemonic functioning in individuals with DD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

Sponsor: Volkswagenstiftung, Georgia. Recipients: No recipient indicated