Birgit Kröner-Herwig, Dirk Diergarten, Dagmar Diergarten and Renate Seeger-Siewart
Psychophysiological reactivity of migraine sufferers in conditions of stress and relaxation.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Examined whether a specific migraine-related psychophysiological response stereotype occurred under conditions of stress, recovery, and relaxation in 37 migraine sufferers (nonheadache state) and 44 normal controls. Two stressors were presented (industrial noise and a social discomfort situation), followed by a recovery period. Relaxation was induced by verbal instructions accompanied by soft music. Pulse volume amplitude (fronto-temporal and digital), skin temperature (fronto-temporal and digital), and skin resistance responses were assessed. Results showed no group differences in responses to the stressors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
Accession Number: 1989-29996-001. PMID: 3070015 Partial author list: First Author & Affiliation: Kröner-Herwig, Birgit; U Düsseldorf, Germany. Release Date: 19890901. Publication Type: Journal (0100), Peer Reviewed Journal (0110). Format Covered: Print. Document Type: Journal Article. Language: English. Major Descriptor: Migraine Headache; Psychophysiology; Relaxation; Stress Reactions. Minor Descriptor: Environmental Stress; Noise Effects; Social Stress. Classification: Physical & Somatoform & Psychogenic Disorders (3290). Population: Human (10). Age Group: Adulthood (18 yrs & older) (300). Methodology: Empirical Study. Page Count: 10. Issue Publication Date: 1988.