Competition Is Crucial For Social Comparison Processes In Long-tailed Macaques
Competition Is Crucial For Social Comparison Processes In Long-tailed MacaquesHumans modulate their self-evaluations and behaviour as a function of conspecific presence and performance. In this study, we tested for the presence of human-like social comparison effects in long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis). The monkeys’ task was to extract food from an apparatus by pulling drawers within reach and we measured latency between drawer pulls. Subjects either worked on the task with a partner who could access the apparatus from an adjacent cage, worked in the absence of a conspecific but with food moving towards the partner’s side or worked next to a partner who was denied apparatus access. We further manipulated partner performance and competitiveness of the set-up. We found no indication that long-tailed macaques compare their performance to the performance of conspecifics. They were not affected by the mere presence of the partner but they paid close attention to the partner’s actions when they were consequential for food availability. If social comparison processes are present in long-tailed macaques, the present study suggests they may only manifest in situations involving direct competition and would thus be different from social comparisons in humans, which manifest also in the absence of direct competition, for example in evaluative contexts.
S Keupp, R Titchener, T Bugnyar, T Mussweiler and J Fischer
Competition Is Crucial For Social Comparison Processes In Long-tailed Macaques
Biology Letters
Humans modulate their self-evaluations and behaviour as a function of
conspecific presence and performance. In this study, we tested for the presence of human-like social comparison effects in long-tailed macaques
(Macaca fascicularis). The monkeys’ task was to extract food from an apparatus by pulling drawers within reach and we measured latency between
drawer pulls. Subjects either worked on the task with a partner who
could access the apparatus from an adjacent cage, worked in the absence
of a conspecific but with food moving towards the partner’s side or
worked next to a partner who was denied apparatus access. We further
manipulated partner performance and competitiveness of the set-up. We
found no indication that long-tailed macaques compare their performance
to the performance of conspecifics. They were not affected by the mere
presence of the partner but they paid close attention to the partner’s actions
when they were consequential for food availability. If social comparison
processes are present in long-tailed macaques, the present study suggests
they may only manifest in situations involving direct competition and
would thus be different from social comparisons in humans, which manifest
also in the absence of direct competition, for example in evaluative contexts.