Georg Elias Mueller Institute of Psychology
Recent Publications
- Trouillet, L., Bothe, R., Mani, N. & Elsner, B. (In press). The impact of goal saliency and verbal information on selective imitation in 16- to 18-month-olds. Infancy.
- Koniusch, F., Tameling, J.-F., Hautz, D., Boos, M. & Ritter, M. (In press). Stärkung von Beziehungen zwischen Erasmus+-Studierenden und Bewohner*innen des Gastlandes: Einflüsse und Maßnahmen. Interculture Journal.
Kiefer, C., Woud, M. L., Blackwell, S. E. & Mayer, A.
(in press).
Average treatment effects on binary outcomes with stochastic covariates.
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology., ISSN: 2044-8317.
Ji, J. L., Woud, M. L., Rölver, A., Notebaert, L., Todd, J., Clarke, P. J., ... Blackwell, S. E.
Investigating the role of mental imagery use in the assessment of anhedonia.
Cognition and Emotion,
Speiger, M. L., Rothmaler, K., Liszkowski, U., Rakoczy, H. & Grosse Wiesmann, C.
Evidence that altercentric biases in a continuous false belief task depend on highlighting the agent's belief.
Lucca, K., Yuen, F., Wang, Y., Alessandroni, N., Allison, O., Alvarez, M., ... Hamlin, J.
Infants’ social evaluation of helpers and hinderers: A large-scale, multi-lab, coordinated replication study.
Developmental Science,
- Trußner, T., Albrecht, T. & Mattler, U. (2025). Metacontrast masking does not change with different display technologies. A comparison of CRT and LCD monitors. Behavior Research Methods, 57, 30.