M Shaygan, A Böger and B Kröner−Herwig
Clinical features of chronic pain with neuropathic characteristics: A symptom−based assessment using the Pain DETECT Questionnaire.
European Journal of Pain
Background: In general, chronic pain is categorized into two mechanism-based groups: nociceptive and neuropathic pain. This dichotomous approach is questioned and a dimensional perspective is suggested. The present study investigated neuropathic characteristics in different syndromes of chronic pain. We also examined the association of neuropathic characteristics with various pain related and psychological variables. Methods: From April 2010 to January 2012, 400 patients suffering from a chronic pain condition enrolled for multidisciplinary pain treatment were considered for inclusion in the study. Criteria for inclusion were age over 18 years and having chronic pain according to ICD-10 (F45.41) criteria. The pain DETECT questionnaire was used to assess neuropathic characteristics of pain. Results: Thirty-seven percent of patients with different pain diagnoses demonstrated distinct neuropathic characteristics. The diagnostic groups for neuropathic pain, musculoskeletal pain and post traumatic or surgical pain showed the most neuropathic features. The level of depression, pain chronicity and intensity, disability and length of hospital stay were significantly higher in patients suffering from neuropathic symptoms. A high level of depression and pain chronicity as well as high intensity of pain explained most of the variance in the neuropathic scores. Disability and length of hospital stay significantly predicted neuropathic characteristics only when examined separately, but not if included in a common regression model. Conclusions: Any type of chronic pain may have more or less neuropathic characteristics. The pain-related parameters of high intensity and chronicity as well as negative affectivity and functional disability strongly correlate with neuropathic characteristics of pain. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
Accession Number: 2013-36084-013. PMID: 23649845 Partial author list: First Author & Affiliation: Shaygan, M.; Georg-Elias-Muller-Institute of Psychology, University of Gottingen, Germany. Other Publishers: Elsevier Science. Release Date: 20140210. Publication Type: Journal (0100), Peer Reviewed Journal (0110). Format Covered: Electronic. Document Type: Journal Article. Language: English. Major Descriptor: Chronic Pain; Pain Measurement; Neuropathic Pain. Minor Descriptor: Psychometrics; Symptoms Based Treatment. Classification: Physical & Somatoform & Psychogenic Disorders (3290). Population: Human (10); Male (30); Female (40); Inpatient (50). Age Group: Adulthood (18 yrs & older) (300); Middle Age (40-64 yrs) (360). Tests & Measures: Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire; Pain Disability Index; Pain DETECT Questionnaire; General Health Questionnaire; Beck Depression Inventory DOI: 10.1037/t00741-000; Patient Health Questionnaire-9 DOI: 10.1037/t06165-000. Methodology: Empirical Study; Quantitative Study. Supplemental Data: Appendixes Internet. References Available: Y. Page Count: 10. Issue Publication Date: Nov, 2013. Publication History: Accepted Date: Apr 1, 2013. Copyright Statement: European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain Chapters. 2013.