Lena Bläsing, Gerhard Goebel, Uta Flötzinger, Anke Berthold and Birgit Kröner-Herwig
Hypersensitivity to sound in tinnitus patients: An analysis of a construct based on questionnaire and audiological data.
International Journal of Audiology
The purpose of this study was to analyse the Questionnaire on Hypersensitivity to Sound (GÜF; Nelting & Finlayson, 2004) and to improve its validity based on the analysis of intercorrelations (single item level) with other methods of assessing hyperacusis (uncomfortable loudness level, individual loudness function, self-rated severity of hyperacusis). Subjects consisted of 91 inpatients with tinnitus and hyperacusis. The GÜF showed a good reliability (α = .92). The factorial structure of the questionnaire reported by Nelting et al (2002) was not completely supported by the evidence in this study. The total score and the single items showed small to moderate correlations with the other modes of measuring hyperacusis. Evidence for convergent and discriminant validity were found, but overall the results corroborate the conceptual heterogeneity of the construct hyperacusis and its dependency on the assessment method. Four items of the GÜF with particularly low correlations were excluded from the questionnaire. The revised GÜF total score showed slightly but not statistically significant higher convergent and discriminant validity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
Accession Number: 2010-12630-006. PMID: 20500027 Partial author list: First Author & Affiliation: Bläsing, Lena; Georg-August University, Gottingen, Germany. Other Publishers: Taylor & Francis. Release Date: 20100920. Correction Date: 20150921. Publication Type: Journal (0100), Peer Reviewed Journal (0110). Format Covered: Electronic. Document Type: Journal Article. Language: English. Conference Information: Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verhaltensmedizin und Verhaltensmodifi kation (DGVM), 12th, Oct, 2009, Leipzig, Germany. Conference Note: The study was presented at aforementioned conference. Major Descriptor: Auditory Stimulation; Questionnaires; Test Reliability; Test Validity; Tinnitus. Minor Descriptor: Factor Structure; Psychometrics. Classification: Sensory & Motor Testing (2221); Vision & Hearing & Sensory Disorders (3299). Population: Male (30); Female (40); Inpatient (50). Location: Germany. Age Group: Adolescence (13-17 yrs) (200); Adulthood (18 yrs & older) (300); Young Adulthood (18-29 yrs) (320); Thirties (30-39 yrs) (340); Middle Age (40-64 yrs) (360); Aged (65 yrs & older) (380). Tests & Measures: Structured Tinnitus Interview; Tinnitus Fragebogen; Questionnaire on Hypersensitivity to Sound; International Diagnostic Checklists; Beck Depression Inventory DOI: 10.1037/t00741-000. Methodology: Empirical Study; Quantitative Study. References Available: Y. Page Count: 9. Issue Publication Date: Jul, 2010. Publication History: Accepted Date: Feb 23, 2010; First Submitted Date: Nov 2, 2009. Copyright Statement: British Society of Audiology, International Society of Audiology, and Nordic Audiological Society. 2010.