Mubeen Akhtar and Birgit Kröner-Herwig
Acculturative stress among international students in context of socio-demographic variables and coping styles.
Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues
The current study investigated how different socio-demographic variables and coping styles are associated with the level of acculturative stress among international students in Germany. Participants consisted of 652 international students (53 \% female, 47 \% male; mean age = 25.77 year
Accession Number: 2015-04510-001. Other Journal Title: Current Psychological Research & Reviews. Partial author list: First Author & Affiliation: Akhtar, Mubeen; Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Georg-Elias-Mueller Institute of Psychology, Georg August University, Goettingen, Germany. Other Publishers: Transaction Publishers. Release Date: 20150202. Correction Date: 20160512. Publication Type: Journal (0100), Peer Reviewed Journal (0110). Format Covered: Electronic. Document Type: Journal Article. Language: English. Major Descriptor: Acculturation; Coping Behavior; International Students; Language Proficiency; Stress. Minor Descriptor: Demographic Characteristics; Psychosocial Factors. Classification: Classroom Dynamics & Student Adjustment & Attitudes (3560). Population: Human (10); Male (30); Female (40). Location: Germany. Age Group: Adulthood (18 yrs & older) (300); Young Adulthood (18-29 yrs) (320); Thirties (30-39 yrs) (340). Methodology: Empirical Study; Quantitative Study. Page Count: 13. Issue Publication Date: Dec, 2015. Publication History: First Posted Date: Jan 29, 2015. Copyright Statement: Springer Science+Business Media New York. 2015.