Intelligence tests to assess general mental ability

Why to use these tests?

General mental ability or intelligence is a good predictor for success in school and vocational training. Therefore these tests are often used to make decisions with respect to schooling and training, for example which type of school someone should go to and whether supportive teaching should be provided. 

Which tests might be appropriate for refugees?

Some tests to assess intelligence and general cognitive abilities are so-called non-verbal tests. That is, they ask participants to solve graphical problems. To do so, no specific language has to be known. It is often claimed that these tests are  appropriate for people from different cultural and educational backgrounds. Therefore these non-verbal tests have also been called culture-fair. The tests below are a selection of current non-verbal tests. Follow the links for more information on whether the respective test is fair and provides accurate assessments for people from different cultures and countries.

NameMeasuresAge groupsDurationLanguages
Raven Progressive Matrices Global mental ability 5y - adult 45-60 Minutes Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portugese, Spanish, Swedish
Universal Nonverbal Intelliigence Test
General Intelligence 5y-17y 45-60 Minutes Instructions are given non-verbally using pantomime
Culture-fair Intelligence Test (CFT, CFIT) General Intelligence
Test of non-verbal Intelligence
General Intelligence 6-89y 15-20 Minutes English, German, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) General Intelligence