Sarah Placì, Marie Padberg, Hannes Rakoczy and Julia Fischer

Long-tailed macaques extract statistical information from repeated types of events to make rational decisions under uncertainty

Scientific Reports

Human children and apes seem to be intuitive statisticians when making predictions from populations of objects to randomly drawn samples, whereas monkeys seem not to be. Statistical reasoning can also be investigated in tasks in which the probabilities of diferent possibilities must be inferred from relative frequencies of events, but little is known about the performance of nonhuman primates in such tasks. In the current study, we investigated whether long-tailed macaques extract statistical information from repeated types of events to make predictions under uncertainty. In each experiment, monkeys frst experienced the probability of rewards associated with diferent factors separately. In a subsequent test trial, monkeys could then choose between the diferent factors presented simultaneously. In Experiment 1, we tested whether long-tailed macaques relied on probabilities and not on a comparison of absolute quantities to make predictions. In Experiment 2 and 3 we varied the nature of the predictive factors and the complexity of the covariation structure between rewards and factors. Results indicate that long-tailed macaques extract statistical information from repeated types of events to make predictions and rational decisions under uncertainty, in more or less complex scenarios. These fndings suggest that the presentation format afects the monkeys’ statistical reasoning abilities.