Georg-Elias-Müller-Institut für Psychologie
Aktuelle Publikationen
- Ji, J. L., Woud, M. L., Rölver, A., Notebaert, L., Todd, J., Clarke, P. J., ... Blackwell, S. E. (in press). Investigating the role of mental imagery use in the assessment of anhedonia. Cognition and Emotion.
- Trouillet, L., Bothe, R., Mani, N. & Elsner, B. (In press). The impact of goal saliency and verbal information on selective imitation in 16- to 18-month-olds. Infancy.
- Thürmer, J., Scheier, M. & Carver, C. (in press). On the mechanics of goal striving: Experimental evidence of coasting and shifting. . Motivation Science.
- Bothe, R., Trouillet, L., Elsner, B. & Mani, N. (2024). Words and arbitrary actions in early object categorization: weak evidence for a word advantage. Royal Society Open Science, 11(2), 230648.
- Trouillet, L., Bothe, R., Mani, N. & Elsner, B. (2024). Investigating the role of verbal cues on learning of tool-use actions in 18- and 24-month-olds in an online looking time experiment. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 2(1411276).
- Blackwell, S. E., Westermann, K., Margraf, J. & Woud, M. L. (2024). The relationship between vividness of positive future-oriented mental imagery, anhedonia, and positive affect.
- Steffan, A., Zimmer, L., Arias-Trejo, N., Bohn, M., Dal Ben, R., Flores-Coronado, M., ... Schuwerk, T. (2024). Validation of an open source, remote web-based eye-tracking method (WebGazer) for research in early childhood. Infancy. 1-25.
- Würtz, F., Kube, T., Woud, M. L., Margraf, J. & Blackwell, S. E. (2024). Reduced Belief Updating in the Context of Depressive Symptoms: An Investigation of the Associations with Interpretation Biases and Self-Evaluation. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 1--17.